Week 8: Stereotypes and Feminism in Powerpuff Girls
I think it’s appropriate to talk about stereotypes in regards to comics, as comics latch on to what’s the most iconic/recognizable image and when a comic artist wants to portray a member of a marginalized group, they’ll go with a depiction that most people know: the stereotype. Not to mention the impact and reach of political comics, which people will take as fact. It was interesting to talk about Gamer Gate in the classroom. When I was in high school, I didn’t really appreciate Anita Sarkeesian’s analysis, in one part because it was told too dryly for my hyperactive attention span, and in another part because she discussed an episode of the original Powerpuff Girls that she argued negated all of the feminist ideals of the show. The episode in question, titled “Equal Fights”, was about a female villain named Femme Fatal who would hold the fact that she was a woman over the main characters so she could escape from crime scenes unpunished. Femme Fatal is an obvious strawman stereo...